Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Breast cancer - in 10 years, deaths will be equal to zero

It seems that scientists have won one battle in a long struggle with breast cancer. According to recent data, in spite of the increasing cases of detection of breast tumors in women, fatalities are less and less. Similar findings were made possible by the early survey, the latest equipment, as well as the effectiveness of treatment.

The same statistics show that every year in Italy with 40 thousand women are discovering cancer, and 1 woman out of nine received the diagnosis - breast cancer. The secret to reduce the death rate from breast cancer - this is a timely diagnosis, allowing doctors to act when the tumor has not yet been developed.

This does not stop scientists and their main objective is the result of: "Nil% of deaths," - explained Prof. Umberto Veronese (Umberto Veronesi), founder of "zero deaths". Facing the project were: Ricci Nadia (Nadia Ricci), Tuscany Olivia (Olivia Toscani) and Guerritore Monica (Monica Guerritore), which in his experience knew that the fight against breast cancer.

"Since this disease can be fought, - said the doctor, oncologist Veronese - Thirty years ago, 4 zheschiny of 10 had no such problems, but today it is half! More than 1 / 3 of patients had 100% chance of recovery. Our project provides, on the one hand, the introduction of women's consciousness of the importance of early diagnosis, a qualified medical personnel, and on the other hand, the proliferation of centers with the latest equipment, where women can make a request for examination ".